So that you can edit the data and members of a Bimplus project or load the project data into BIM Explorer or another Bimplus app, the project must be the current project.

To find out which project is the current project, just look at the title bar of the BIMPLUS web portal: The name of the current project comes after the name of the team working on this project.

To select the current project

This is only possible if ...

→ You signed in to the BIMPLUS web portal (see “Signing in to the BIMPLUS web portal“)
→ You have the required rights (see "Rights in Bimplus")

  1. Select the navigation menu by clicking Show navigation menu on the title bar of the BIMPLUS web portal.

  2. Click Open project.

    You can see the projects of the current Bimplus team.

  3. Only if you are a member of several Bimplus teams:
    Click the required Bimplus team on the side menu.

    Tip: If you cannot see the side menu, click  Toggle side menu at the bottom of the left sidebar.

  4. Select the required project.

    To do this, click the project in the project overview.


    Go to the side menu, open the tree structure for the Bimplus team, and click the Project.

    You can find the name of the selected project on the title bar of the BIMPLUS web portal. The project on the title bar is the current project.

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