The most important information about a Bimplus document is available to each project member. You can find this information in the Properties palette:

  • Document name
  • Description
  • File name
  • Document type
  • Owner
  • Created on and date of the last Update

If you have the required rights, you can also change these entries.

To show the Properties palette for a Bimplus document

This is only possible if ...

→  You are signed in to the BIMPLUS web portal (see “Signing in to the BIMPLUS web portal“)
→  You have the required rights (see “Rights in Bimplus”)

  1. Make sure the required project is the current project (see “Selecting the current Bimplus project”)

  2. Select the navigation menu by clicking Show navigation menu on the title bar of the BIMPLUS web portal.

  3. Click Documents.

    You can see the documents of the current project.

  4. Click Show properties in the upper-right area of the document overview.

    You can see the Properties palette.

  5. Go to the document overview or side menu and click the document whose properties you want to check or change.

  6. If you have added or changed properties:
    Click SAVE in the Properties palette.

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