Only the owner of a Bimplus team or a team administrator can create new Bimplus projects in the team. The team owner or team administrator automatically gets the rights of a project administrator for all projects created in the team. The team owner or team administrator can then appoint more project administrators.

Note: If you are the team owner or team administrator, you can also create a new Bimplus project when you upload a specialist model from Allplan for the first time (see "Uploading specialist models to Bimplus and managing these models").


To create a new project on the Bimplus web platform

→  You are signed in to the BIMPLUS web portal (see “Signing in to the BIMPLUS web portal“)
→  You are the team owner or team administrator of the Bimplus team
  1. Select the navigation menu by clicking Show navigation menu on the title bar of the BIMPLUS web portal.

  2. Click Open project.

  3. Only if you are the owner or administrator of several Bimplus teams:
    Click the required Bimplus team on the side menu.

    Tip: If you cannot see the side menu, click Toggle side menu at the bottom of the left sidebar.

    You can find the name of the selected team on the title bar of the BIMPLUS web portal.

  4. Click  Add project.

  5. Enter a Project name and a Description (optional).

    Note: You can change the project name and description at any time (see "Managing Bimplus projects").

  6. Click ADD PROJECT.

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