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Developers please use (stage version of Bimplus API) and (stage version of Shop/Portal) for testing purposes. The production version of the portal is located under and the base url of the API is different for the production version.
Project relevant services
- Project Service
- Model Service
- Object Service
- Custom attribute Service
- Revision Service
- ElementType Service
- Attachment Service
- Topic Service (issues)
- Pin Service
- BCF Service
- Comment Service
- Import Service
- Slideshow Service
- Hyperlink Service
- Structure Service
- Clash Service
- User Settings Service
- Export to Excel Service
- Lock Service
- Object Navigator / Object Filter Service
- Export Object Service
Administration relevant services
Other services
Project Service
- Create a new project
- Create copy of the source project
- Get the logged in user's project list
- Get the user's project list from a team
- Get the properties of the project
- Update the project
- Create an issue in the project
- Get the issue list from the project
- Delete all the issues from the project
- Create a new attachment in the project
- Get the attachment list from the project
- Delete all the attachments from the project
- Get the project topology
- Get the project layers
- Get material surfaces of the project
- Get the spot list from the project
- Create / Upload a thumbnail to the project
- Download the thumbnail
- Get the structure list from the project
- Delete all the structures from the project
- Get the topology of all structures belonging to the project
- Delete the project
Model Service
Object Service
- Create a new object
- Get the object details
- Generate, save & share the view of an object
- Check whether an object has been updated (See only the header info)
- Get the full property list of the object without geometry
- Get the object tree with full property list without geometry (object topology tree)
- Get the optimized objects tree with selected property list whose geometry type is "ThreeJS"
- Get the object tree with full property list whose geometry type is "compressed geometry mesh (meshblob)"
- Get the object tree with selected property list whose geometry type is "ThreeJS" filtered by layer
- Get the object tree whose geometry type is "compressed geometry mesh (meshblob)" filtered by layer
- Get the different properties / structure(normal, viewer properties, object in hierarchical tree structure) of the object using different property combinations
- Get the complex properties of the object
- Update the object
- Create a new comment in the object
- Get all the comments of the object
- If there is not any attachment for selection/structure the return code is 404 Not Found. If Selection\Document Folder structure contains files with same names, the return code is 403 Forbidden.
- Get the attachment list from the object
- Delete all attachments from the object
- Create a new hyperlink for the object
- Get the hyperlink list from the object
- Delete the object
- Create a new custom table in the object
- Get all the custom tables of the object
- Delete all the custom tables from the object
Custom attribute Service
- Create a free attribute group
- Get all the free attribute groups
- Get the info about a particular free attribute group
- Update a particular free attribute group
- Delete a particular free attribute group
- Create a free attribute under a particular attribute group or as stand-alone
- Get all the free attributes
- Get all the free attributes under a attribute group
- Get the info about a particular free attribute
- Update a particular free attribute
- Delete a particular free attribute
- Create a unit
- Get all the units
- Get a particular unit
- Update a particular unit
- Delete a particular unit
Revision Service
- Create a new revision or update/overwrite a model
- Get the list of revisions of a model
- Get the info about a revision
- Update a revision
- List of APIs for retrieving info from a particular resource (3D objects, attachments etc)
- Calculate revisions comparison of the model
- Get calculated comparison of revisions of the model
Cross Section Service
- Create a new cross section definition
- Get details of the cross section definition
- Get all cross sections section definitions
- Update the cross section definition
- Delete the cross section definition
- Create a new cross section for cross section definition
- Get details of cross section
- Get all cross sections from cross section definition
- Update cross section for cross section definition
- Delete the cross section
Connection Service
ElementType Service
Attachment Service
- Get attachment information
- Download the attachment
- Update the attachment
- Delete the attachment
- Filter for getting project-only attachments & attachments that belong to a particular attachment-type
- Create a new version of an attachment
- Get all the versions of an attachment
- Download a particular version
- Delete a particular version
Issue Service
- Get details of the issue
- Get all the issue types
- Get details of the issue type
- Create a new pin for the issue
- Get all the pins of the issue
- Delete all the pins from the issue
- Create a new comment for the issue
- Get all the comments of the issue
- Create a new attachment for the issue
- Get the attachment list from the issue
- Delete all the attachments from the issue
- Working with hyperlinks belonging to an issue
- Update the issue
- Delete the issue
BCF Service
Structure Service
Clash Service
- Detect all the clashes in a project
- Detect clashes between disciplines & objects/topologies
- Calculate clashes in project using particular clash filter
- Get all clashes for given project and clash filter
- Create an clash filter in the project
- Get all clash filters for a project
- Get all clash filters for a team
- Get details of single clash filter
- Update the clash filter
- Delete the clash filter
Slideshow Service
- Create a new slideshow
- Get the slideshow list from a project
- Delete all the slideshows from a project
- Get details of the slideshow
- Update the slideshow
- Delete the slideshow
- Create a new slide for a slideshow
- Get the slide list from a slideshow
- Get the details of a slide
- Update the details of a slide
- Delete a slide from a slideshow
- Create a thumbnail for a slideshow
- Download the thumbnail from a slideshow
- Create a thumbnail for a slide
- Download the thumbnail from a slide
- Working with attachments/comments/hyperlinks belonging to a slide
Authorization Service
User Management Service
Team Management Service
Rights and Roles Service
- Create new project rights and roles template
Get the info about a particular project rights and roles template
Copy project rights and roles template from source to target project rights and roles template
- Get all the available roles
- Get all the available rights
- Create a new role
- Get details of the role
- Update the role
- Delete the role
- Make a team member part of a project by assigning a role to him
- Get the project members along with their respective roles
- Update the project role of a team member
- Remove the user from the project
Messaging Service
- Create a new message for an user
- Get the message list of the current user
- Get information about a specified message
- Modify content of the dashboard message
- Delete the specified message
- Mark a browser message as "read"
- Mark a browser message as "unread"
- Mark an email message as "unread"
- Filter the messages
- Get all messages sent by given user to all single users
- Get all messages sent by given user to all groups
Export Object Service
Selection Object Service
Catalog Service
Bimplus Windows Explorer related Services
- Create a new objectview
- Get the list of target objects(objectviews) which will be populated in the "Object Navigator List"
- Get information about an "Object Navigator" item (objectview)
- Get the properties(column names) of the objectview
- Get the required objectview's details from input objectview list reference
- Delete the objectview
- Create a hierarchy
- Create a list of hierarchies
- Create a complete new structure hierarchy
- Get all the user hierarchies using the user & module information
- Get the details of a hierarchy
- Get details about a list of hierarchies
- Delete the hierarchy
- Delete the list of hierarchies
- Delete all the hierarchies filtered by additional info