secured using the application_id of portal
Team Management Service
- Create a new team and its related database
- Get information about the team
- Update information about the team
- Delete the team
- Get the team list in which the current logged in user is a member of
- Get team account settings
Team Management Service
Please remember that creating/updating/deleting a team is possible only for the clients who has the permission to do it.
Create a new team and its related database
JSON Structure:
Name |
Mandatory / Optional |
Type |
Description |
name |
mandatory |
string |
Name of the team |
displayname | will be ignored | string | The name of the team which will be displayed in the client |
owner |
mandatory |
string (guid) |
The unique identifier of the user who will be the initial owner |
storageStats |
will be ignored |
integer |
The storage statistics of the team (usedSpace, numberOfProjects, numberOfMembers, totalSpace, totalNumberOfProjects, totalNumberOfMembers) |
status |
will be ignored |
string |
Active / Disabled |
teamWorksConnection |
optional |
string |
Base64 encoded database connection string for legacy applications |
dataStorageStatus |
optional |
string |
Online / Offline |
public | optional | object (json) | Public read/write rights. Has two boolen properties : "read" and "write". |
rights | optional | object (json) | Project rights. It's a json with only one boolean property "projectCreate", which defines whether a user can create a project for this team. |
accountType | optional | string | Account type e.g. "Free", "Premium", ... |
ismyteam | will be ignored | boolean | Is this team the user's team - true/false |
Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088 Content-Type: application/json
{ "slug": "best-company", "name": "Best Company", "owner": "b8615afc-99cc-4bcd-b0ca-ff0593ce15c6", "totalStorage": 500000000, "teamWorksConnection": "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0O0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1CaW1QbHVzLlRlbmFudC5BTUFaT05BLU1OVU8wMTcudGhlLWJlc3Q7VXNlciBJRD10aGUtYmVzdDtQYXNzd29yZD00YmZhZWVlZTM5NDBmZjI0ZjhhNjg2MmIxMzk3NzUyYWU1MjlkZDIzO0Nvbm5lY3QgVGltZW91dD0xMA==", "dataStorageStatus": "Online", "haswriteaccess": false }
Status: 201 Created
{ "id": "db038754-2598-4616-9ea2-2c0947f2e93a", "slug": "best-company", "name": "Best Company", "displayname" : "Best Company" "owner": "b8615afc-99cc-4bcd-b0ca-ff0593ce15c6", "totalStorage": 500000000, "storageStats": { "usedSpace": 0, "numberOfProjects": 0, "numberOfMembers": 0, "totalSpace": 500000000, "totalNumberOfProjects": 0, "totalNumberOfMembers": 0 }, "status": "Active", "teamWorksConnection": "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0O0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1CaW1QbHVzLlRlbmFudC5BTUFaT05BLU1OVU8wMTcudGhlLWJlc3Q7VXNlciBJRD10aGUtYmVzdDtQYXNzd29yZD00YmZhZWVlZTM5NDBmZjI0ZjhhNjg2MmIxMzk3NzUyYWU1MjlkZDIzO0Nvbm5lY3QgVGltZW91dD0xMA==", "dataStorageStatus": "Online", "ismyteam": true, "public": { "read": false, "write": false }, "rights": { "projectCreate": true } }
Get information about the team
Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088 Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 OK
{ "id": "db038754-2598-4616-9ea2-2c0947f2e93a", "slug": "best-company", "name": "Best Company", "displayname": "Best Company (best-company)", "owner": "b8615afc-99cc-4bcd-b0ca-ff0593ce15c6", "totalStorage": 500000000, "storageStats": { "usedSpace": 0, "numberOfProjects": 0, "numberOfMembers": 0, "totalSpace": 500000000, "totalNumberOfProjects": 0, "totalNumberOfMembers": 0 }, "status": "Active", "teamWorksConnection": "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0O0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1CaW1QbHVzLlRlbmFudC5BTUFaT05BLU1OVU8wMTcudGhlLWJlc3Q7VXNlciBJRD10aGUtYmVzdDtQYXNzd29yZD00YmZhZWVlZTM5NDBmZjI0ZjhhNjg2MmIxMzk3NzUyYWU1MjlkZDIzO0Nvbm5lY3QgVGltZW91dD0xMA==", "dataStorageStatus": "Online", "public": { "read": false, "write": false }, "rights": { "projectCreate": true } }
Update information about the team
JSON Structure: See Create team
Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088 Content-Type: application/json
{ "name": "Best Company", "totalStorage": 500000000, "status": "Active" }
Status: 200 OK
Delete the team
Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088 Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 OK
Get the team list in which the current logged in user is a member of
Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088 Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 OK
[ { "id": "db038754-2598-4616-9ea2-2c0947f2e93a", "slug": "best-company", "name": "Best Company", "displayname": "Best Company (best-company)", "owner": "b8615afc-99cc-4bcd-b0ca-ff0593ce15c6", "status": "Active", "teamWorksConnection": "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0O0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1CaW1QbHVzLlRlbmFudC5BTUFaT05BLU1OVU8wMTcudGhlLWJlc3Q7VXNlciBJRD10aGUtYmVzdDtQYXNzd29yZD00YmZhZWVlZTM5NDBmZjI0ZjhhNjg2MmIxMzk3NzUyYWU1MjlkZDIzO0Nvbm5lY3QgVGltZW91dD0xMA==", "dataStorageStatus": "Online", "ismyteam": true, "rights": { "projectCreate": true } }, { "id": "82884f54-96bf-4e9c-a2fb-44db8379378d", "slug": "nemetschek", "name": "Nemetschek", "displayname": "Nemetschek (nemetschek)", "owner": "132a78a5-b523-4bf2-8382-7098fac3f803", "status": "Active", "teamWorksConnection": "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0OyBJbml0aWFsIENhdGFsb2c9QmltUGx1cy5UZW5hbnQuRGV2OyBVc2VyIElkPWRiYmltbWFudHJvdGVzdDsgUGFzc3dvcmQ9MWprdGNudG9DcU9qeGtIMU9QOXg7IENvbm5lY3QgdGltZW91dD0xMA==", "dataStorageStatus": "Online", "ismyteam": false, "rights": { "projectCreate": false } }, { "id": "7eab1453-a4e7-4d05-983e-031544540e6f", "slug": "bimplus-demo", "name": "BimPlusDemo", "displayname": "BimPlusDemo (bimplus-demo)", "owner": "5592c628-588e-f5c0-b08b-088d43de9209", "status": "Active", "teamWorksConnection": "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0O0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1CaW1QbHVzLlRlbmFudC5iaW1wbHVzLWRlbW87VXNlciBJRD1iaW1wbHVzLWRlbW87UGFzc3dvcmQ9YWI3ZDRmNDc5ZGM4YjI1Yjg2MDc0Y2ZmZTNiNDBjZmY2OWQwNzQ1YjtDb25uZWN0IFRpbWVvdXQ9MTA=", "dataStorageStatus": "Online", "ismyteam": false, "rights": { "projectCreate": false } } ]
Get team account settings
Get account settings of given team.
Predefined account settings are :
- MaxProjects - maximum number of projects in the team
- MaxTeamMembers - maximum number of team members
- CreateRevisions - are revisions activated in the projects of this team
- ClashDetection - is clash detection functionality allowed
- ...
It is also possible to filter the list of account settings, using query parameter "settingName", e.g. :
Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088 Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 OK
[ { "id": "826668e2-346b-4d5b-baf1-075e0b59dff5", "teamId": "31cb1181-2cbc-49dc-883a-0620e20140a4", "settingName": "ClashDetection", "value": "true", "expirationDate": "2016-11-04T00:00:00" }, { "id": "78a9550e-54d6-4618-be00-203d8be68b05", "teamId": "31cb1181-2cbc-49dc-883a-0620e20140a4", "settingName": "MaxProjects", "value": "20", "expirationDate": null }, { "id": "455b1bf9-fbdf-4a13-9fae-92ca659d06a0", "teamId": "31cb1181-2cbc-49dc-883a-0620e20140a4", "settingName": "MaxTeamMembers", "value": "10", "expirationDate": null }, { "id": "42228d13-a4e7-4586-99cc-ae3791580842", "teamId": "31cb1181-2cbc-49dc-883a-0620e20140a4", "settingName": "CreateRevisions", "value": "true", "expirationDate": null } ]