You must be a registered Bimplus user if you want to take part in a Bimplus project or open your own Bimplus team. Only by registering do you become an active Bimplus participant.

You can register in three ways:

  • You are a registered user of Allplan Connect.

    If you are a registered user of the Allplan Connect service portal , you do not need to do anything else. In this case, you are automatically a registered Bimplus user.

    To sign in to Bimplus, you can use the same details as for signing in to Allplan Connect.

  • You are not a registered user of Allplan Connect.

    If you are not a registered user of the Allplan Connect service portal , you can register with the Allplan Community for free. After registration, you get an Allplan account and automatically become a registered Bimplus user at no extra cost.

    To do this, go to the Welcome page of Allplan Bimplus and click Register now in the New account area.

  • You are invited by another Bimplus participant.

    You have received an invitation from another Bimplus participant who invites you to take part in a Bimplus project or Bimplus team. By accepting this invitation, you automatically become a registered Bimplus user (see “Accepting the invitation to Bimplus”).

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