Only the owner of a Bimplus team or a team administrator can delete a Bimplus project with all its specialist models, member lists, project documents and communication history.

To delete a Bimplus project completely

→  You opened and signed in to the Bimplus portal () via your web browser
→  You are the team owner or team administrator of the Bimplus team

  1. If BIM Explorer is open:
    Show the dashboard by clicking BIMPLUS on the title bar of the Bimplus portal.

  2. Go to PROJECT DATA on the navigation menu and click Projects.

  3. If you are the owner or administrator of several Bimplus teams:
    Open the Project folder list box and select the Bimplus team working on the project you want to delete.

  4. Display the project overview in list view.

    To do this, click (below the username).

  5. Click  Delete project in the Options column of the project you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete to confirm the prompt.

    This deletes the Bimplus project for good! You cannot undo this operation. This deletes not only the project but also all its specialist models, documents, files and project tasks.

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