Help us improve the Bimplus API doc by providing your valuable comments. You can find the comment section at the bottom of the page.

Standard Procedure

Developers please use (stage version of Bimplus API) and (stage version of Shop/Portal) for testing purposes. The production version of the portal is located under   and the base url of the API is different for the production version.

Generally, the Bimplus REST API calls consist of five steps for accessing the resources.

1. Developer Registration

Generally our portal  is the first place of contact of the user for using the Bimplus platform.

Please do the developer registration .

You can find step by step manuel here.

When you have any problems with the registration contact us here.

2. Authentication token request

The authentication request for accessing the BimPlus resource should be sent in the JSON format using the OIDC Authorization service. The registered user name and password in the should be provided here.

For example, you can enable the OAuth authentication process directly in your REST-client and it will automatically create and refresh tokens when needed.

Received token should be directly used to access BimPlus resources after receiving it from OIDC. Refreshing and revoking of the tokens are also managed by OIDC, not BimPlus. Old authentication service in BimPlus remains only for backward compatibility and will be removed in 2026.

Please, use the client_id from the request and regenerate the token (using the same API call with client_id as the additional parameter) for having the possibility to login multiple times at the same time. For more information, see here


 Resource: authorize 


JSON Structure


Mandatory / Optional






The email address of the user




The user's password




The identifier of the used client (browser, Apps etc)




The id of the application

Obsolete. Authenticates a user and returns a token which can be used for further API calls for accessing the desired resources.

Content-Type: application/json

 "user_id" : "",
 "password" : "test",
 "application_id" : "6C12345D9B0C4F3C23ABB5721D098F7B"

Status: 200 OK

"access_token": "9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088",
"expires_in": 2591999,
"client_id" : "1FD44C0E-DCB4-11E2-A114-67286288709B"
"token_type": "BimPlus"

3. Receive the authentication token 

Obsolete. The token is received in the request.


 Resource: authorize 


 Authenticates a user and returns a token which can be used for further API calls for accessing the desired resources.

Content-Type: application/json

 "user_id" : "",
 "password" : "test",
 "application_id" : "6C12345D9B0C4F3C23ABB5721D098F7B"

Status: 200 OK

"access_token": "9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088",
"expires_in": 2591999,
"client_id" : "1FD44C0E-DCB4-11E2-A114-67286288709B"
"token_type": "BimPlus"



The token to be used in any further API calls within the HTTP headers


The remaining lifetime on the access token in seconds


The identifier of the used client (browser, Apps etc)


The type of token – currently we use ‚bimplus‘

4. Get the team information

The team has to be specified and setup through the  as so-called  to present a . Slugs are lowercase unique identifiers based on English characters and numbers. The team slug will be used to know which tenant database to work on.


 Resource: teams 


 Get all the available teams.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

0:  {
id: "82884f54-96bf-4e9c-a2fb-44db8379378d"
slug: "nemetschek"
name: "Nemetschek"
owner: "132a78a5-b523-4bf2-8382-7098fac3f803"
totalStorage: 0
storageStats: null
status: "Active"
teamWorksConnection: "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0OyBJbml0aWFsIENhdGFsb2c9QmltUGx1cy5UZW5hbnQuRGV2OyBVc2VyIElkPWRiYmltbWFudHJvdGVzdDsgUGFzc3dvcmQ9MWprdGNudG9DcU9qeGtIMU9QOXg7IENvbm5lY3QgdGltZW91dD0xMA=="
dataStorageStatus: "Online"
1:  {
id: "7eab1453-a4e7-4d05-983e-031544540e6f"
slug: "bimplus-demo"
name: "BimPlus Demo"
owner: "5592c628-588e-f5c0-b08b-088d43de9209"
totalStorage: 53687091200
storageStats: null
status: "Active"
teamWorksConnection: "RGF0YSBTb3VyY2U9YmltcGx1cy5tYW50cm8ubmV0O0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1CaW1QbHVzLlRlbmFudC5iaW1wbHVzLWRlbW87VXNlciBJRD1iaW1wbHVzLWRlbW87UGFzc3dvcmQ9YWI3ZDRmNDc5ZGM4YjI1Yjg2MDc0Y2ZmZTNiNDBjZmY2OWQwNzQ1YjtDb25uZWN0IFRpbWVvdXQ9MTA="
dataStorageStatus: "Online"

5. Request the desired resource

Using the authentication token and the team slug, the necessary resource can be accessed and the desired action can be performed on that resource using the .

For example, we can use this token to get the project list.


 Resource: projects 



 Get available project list with main properties.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

0:  {
id: "c8c8e6f2-4495-484c-929d-0049f1f9d4ff"
name: "!!!!!_VORTEILSHAUS V40 SD45 Traufeingang"
1:  {
id: "2d703abe-b4f9-407c-af53-a39c5b7ba872"
name: "__5 999 Parklife Salzburg Lehen"
2:  {
id: "c480cc54-aec4-4bef-8d35-93bb090e1aba"
name: "0811-Wohnhaus Kraus - Carport1"


Plugins for doing REST based calls (REST Client) 

Chrome --> Advanced REST clientPostman - REST clientSimple REST client

Firefox --> RESTClient

For validating or formatting JSON -->