GitHub Copilot is integrated into IDE (Visual Studio) as an interactive assistant (chat console) that allows XML comments generation for a given contextual scope (i.e. selected method or entire controller).
Example :
- set contextual scope to the appropriate controller : # AttachmentLinksController.cs
- ask the Copilot to generate XML comments : "generate document comments including response codes
- as <returns> tags, producesresponsetype attributes"
- ask the Copilot to add more detailed remarks : "
- then add <remarks> tag containing more detailed explanation of the method purpose"
- then preview the suggested changes and accept them
- if the generated <remarks> section is not detailed enough, repeat the last steps or use reduced contextual scope (select a single method instead of the entire controller)
- commit the changes to source code repository
- after deploying to DEV environment the updated content will be visible in Swagger UI