Catalog Service

Catalog Service

Create a new norm

Resource: norms

URL norms


JSON Structure


Mandatory / Optional



idwill be ignoredstring(guid)The id of the norm. Will be taken from request url.
namemandatorystringNorm name
descriptionoptionalstringNorm description


Create a new norm.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

  "name":"DIN 1046",
  "description":"DIN 1046"

Status: 201 Created

  "name":"DIN 1046",
  "description":"DIN 1046"

Get the norm list

Resource: /norms 

URL norms



 Gets the norm list

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

    "name":"DIN 1045",
    "description":"DIN 1045"
    "name":"DIN 17100",
    "description":"DIN 17100"

Get the norm details

Resource: norms

URL norms/<norm_id>



 Get information about a specified norm

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

  "name":"DIN 1045",
  "description":"DIN 1045"

Delete the specified norm

Resource: norms

URL norms/<norm_id>



Delete the specified norm

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

Create a new country

Resource: countries

URL countries


JSON Structure


Mandatory / Optional



idwill be ignoredstring(guid)The id of the country. Will be taken from request url.
namemandatorystringCountry name
descriptionoptionalstringCountry description


Create a new country.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json


Status: 201 Created


Get the country list

Resource: countries

URL countries



 Gets the country list

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK


Get the country details

Resource: countries

URL countries/<country_id>



 Get information about a specified country

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK


Delete the specified country

Resource: countries

URL countries/<country_id>



Delete the specified country

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

Get a list of catalog types

Resource: catalogs/types

URL catalogs/types


JSON Structure


Mandatory / Optional



idwill be ignoredstring(guid)The id of the catalog type.
namemandatorystringCatalog type name
descriptionoptionalstringCatalog type description


 Get a list of catalog types

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK


Get the catalog type details

Resource: catalogs/types

URL catalogs/types/<catalogType_id>



 Get information about a specified norm

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK


Create a new catalog item

Resource: catalogitems

URL catalogitems


JSON Structure


Mandatory / Optional



idwill be ignoredstring(guid)The id of the catalog item
namemandatorystringCatalog item name
descriptionoptionalstringCatalog item description
catalogIdmandatorystringCatalog id. Newly created catalog item belongs to this catalog
propertiesoptionalobject(dictionary)Object which contains pairs of all parameter values for catalog item.
Value in pair represent attribute value of the attribute with Id specified as key in pair.
diagramoptionalobjectObject which includes data for custom table (sigma-epsilon diagram )


Create a new catalog item to the specified catalog.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

    "catalogId": "ae2122c0-f667-f242-40ee-3e57161e433a",
    "properties": {
        "7f670d2a-6c00-4fb1-0dce-bb4f700ca0f4": "1e-05",
        "029ca99d-d590-3f36-60ad-c2f8538b6bf4": "No",
        "4fd9b113-4e9f-22e5-62ab-eb099fb0836f": "Bi-linear stress-strain diagram",
        "bb88f378-a30c-de7c-a70b-6522c917bd3f": "slow",
        "71164ead-883b-a610-61d0-c32e8caa5cfa": "Quartzite",
        "11f347c7-4ebf-fe22-5285-1edeb916c0de": 32300000000,
        "ca5d193d-c7c8-be57-a244-e7d751a67824": 13458300000,
        "ceb34ade-8a26-f9a5-b3ea-f247486a1778": 2500,
        "52941ec9-f125-d765-aaca-07c7a3e86997": 0.2,
        "efd8c210-8d8e-21e6-987f-8924159f961f": 0.2,
        "c905659b-74c8-dd27-7c61-e9722abbf9a3": 600,
        "9813d85d-cd87-1db0-a4ce-08a94375ecae": 45,
        "3f2e236f-5708-2eb7-8715-e2f52a6af34b": 28000000,
        "2a30c3bb-3584-5ea9-599e-497f7a984d1d": 2800000,
        "9b6d72a6-b230-78da-6ed3-79630fc263e7": 1900000,
        "9b6e9387-a6d4-af90-bfd5-196d47e67f64": 0.002,
        "d91470f2-8a8d-f7d2-de56-e61747fbbb27": 0.0035,
        "84bbcf5f-fc3f-19fe-47e3-0e9edbb6961e": 0.00175,
        "ae3aa29d-e553-afe6-5a71-82363dab1636": 0.0035,
        "2f6bcd7f-f3b3-b346-d857-5cd0ca17e31f": 36000000,
        "0e588097-5259-fc18-9e74-122f73bbb4f8": 0,
        "d3535e56-710b-a585-3f79-c984760625b2": 0,
        "9b7d1f57-0872-b143-4d5f-19630077c058": 0.032,
        "a27d570d-b739-6acf-50b1-12c73ba1ce36": 2,
        "aa309ea3-de6d-1274-fc6b-380a14e91ef2": 0.9,
        "5b92e65f-9874-4187-c561-064fb845507d": 0,
        "2cd643c8-f198-aad7-8f99-5f35052b3e7c": 3600000
    "diagram": {
        "columns": [
            { "name": "sig", "type": "Double" },
            { "name": "eps", "type": "Double" },
        "rows": [
            { "items": [ -4.69565e+08, -0.05 ] },
            { "items": [ -4.6751e+08, -0.045 ] },
            { "items": [ -4.34783e+08, -0.00217391 ] },
            { "items": [ 0, 0 ] }
    "id": "3ea0079e-7cd9-8ea0-1163-70cef77e7eff",
    "name": "C28/35",
    "description": "(Dutch NEN-EN NA)"

Status: 201 Created

    "catalogId": "ae2122c0-f667-f242-40ee-3e57161e433a",
    "properties": {
        "7f670d2a-6c00-4fb1-0dce-bb4f700ca0f4": "1e-05",
        "029ca99d-d590-3f36-60ad-c2f8538b6bf4": "No",
        "4fd9b113-4e9f-22e5-62ab-eb099fb0836f": "Bi-linear stress-strain diagram",
        "bb88f378-a30c-de7c-a70b-6522c917bd3f": "slow",
        "71164ead-883b-a610-61d0-c32e8caa5cfa": "Quartzite",
        "11f347c7-4ebf-fe22-5285-1edeb916c0de": 32300000000,
        "ca5d193d-c7c8-be57-a244-e7d751a67824": 13458300000,
        "ceb34ade-8a26-f9a5-b3ea-f247486a1778": 2500,
        "52941ec9-f125-d765-aaca-07c7a3e86997": 0.2,
        "efd8c210-8d8e-21e6-987f-8924159f961f": 0.2,
        "c905659b-74c8-dd27-7c61-e9722abbf9a3": 600,
        "9813d85d-cd87-1db0-a4ce-08a94375ecae": 45,
        "3f2e236f-5708-2eb7-8715-e2f52a6af34b": 28000000,
        "2a30c3bb-3584-5ea9-599e-497f7a984d1d": 2800000,
        "9b6d72a6-b230-78da-6ed3-79630fc263e7": 1900000,
        "9b6e9387-a6d4-af90-bfd5-196d47e67f64": 0.002,
        "d91470f2-8a8d-f7d2-de56-e61747fbbb27": 0.0035,
        "84bbcf5f-fc3f-19fe-47e3-0e9edbb6961e": 0.00175,
        "ae3aa29d-e553-afe6-5a71-82363dab1636": 0.0035,
        "2f6bcd7f-f3b3-b346-d857-5cd0ca17e31f": 36000000,
        "0e588097-5259-fc18-9e74-122f73bbb4f8": 0,
        "d3535e56-710b-a585-3f79-c984760625b2": 0,
        "9b7d1f57-0872-b143-4d5f-19630077c058": 0.032,
        "a27d570d-b739-6acf-50b1-12c73ba1ce36": 2,
        "aa309ea3-de6d-1274-fc6b-380a14e91ef2": 0.9,
        "5b92e65f-9874-4187-c561-064fb845507d": 0,
        "2cd643c8-f198-aad7-8f99-5f35052b3e7c": 3600000
    "diagram": {
        "columns": [
            { "name": "sig", "type": "Double" },
            { "name": "eps", "type": "Double" },
        "rows": [
            { "items": [ -4.69565e+08, -0.05 ] },
            { "items": [ -4.6751e+08, -0.045 ] },
            { "items": [ -4.34783e+08, -0.00217391 ] },
            { "items": [ 0, 0 ] }
    "id": "3ea0079e-7cd9-8ea0-1163-70cef77e7eff",
    "name": "C28/35",
    "description": "(Dutch NEN-EN NA)"

Get the catalog item details

Resource: catalogitems

URL catalogitems/<catalogitem_id>



 Get information about a specified catalog item

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

  "name":"S 998",
  "description":"test catalog item "

Create a new catalog

Resource: catalogs

URL catalogs


JSON Structure


Mandatory / Optional



idwill be ignoredstring(guid)The id of the catalog
namemandatorystringCatalog name
descriptionoptionalstringCatalog description
catalogtypemandatoryobjectCatalog type object. Mandatory is only Id of the catalog type object.
See response of Get a list of catalog types
normsoptionalJSON arrayArray of norm objects, see json response part of Get the norm list .
Mandatory is only Id of the norm object
countriesoptionalJSON arrayArray of country objects, see json response part of Get the country list .
Mandatory is only Id of the country object


Create a new catalog.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json


Status: 201 Created


Get the catalog list

Resource: catalogs

URL catalogs



 Gets the catalog list

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

        "name":"Standard EN"
        "name":"Standard EN"
        "name":"Standard EN"

Get the catalog details

Resource: catalogs

URL catalogs/<catalog_id>



 Get information about a specified catalog

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

      "name":"Standard EN"

Update the specified catalog

Resource: catalogs

URL catalogs/<catalog_id>



 Update the specified catalog.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

  "name":"Concrete X",

Status: 200 OK

  "name":"Concrete X",

Get the catalog item list from the specified catalog

Resource: catalogs/<catalog_id>/items

URL catalogs/<catalog_id>/items


Optional query parameters: Used to refine and reduce the set of returned catalog items



Default value



When query parameter "code=DIN 1045" is defined, the API will return from requested catalog only items which are related to code/norm DIN 1045.
Instead of code name can be used also codeId 6de06146-125f-c7eb-95cc-0c07d85c4d94. Query parameter 'code' can be interchanged with query parameter norm.
When are defined both query parameters - code and norm, only code is used in api call.

e.g. 1045

To get more precisely specified result set of catalog items, can be combined query parameter for 'norm' or 'code' together with 'country' or 'na' query parameter.

e.g. 1045&country=Germany


When query parameter "norm=DIN 1045" is defined, the API will return from requested catalog only items which are related to code/norm DIN 1045.
Instead of code name can be used also normId 6de06146-125f-c7eb-95cc-0c07d85c4d94. Query parameter 'norm' can be interchanged with query parameter code.
When are defined both query parameters - code and norm, only code is used in api call.

e.g. 1045

To get more precisely specified result set of catalog items, can be combined query parameter for 'norm' or 'code' together with 'country' or 'na' query parameter.

e.g. 1045&country=Germany


When query parameter "na=Germany" is defined, the API will return from requested catalog only items which are related to country Germany.
Instead of country name can be used also country Id 2909b0d8-c6de-425d-2303-256336ada04f. Query parameter 'na' can be interchanged with query parameter 'country'.
When are defined both query parameters - 'na' and 'country', only 'na' parameter is used in api call.


To get more precisely specified result set of catalog items, can be combined query parameter for 'norm' or 'code' together with 'country' or 'na' query parameter.

e.g. 1045&na=Germany


When query parameter "country=Germany" is defined, the API will return from requested catalog only items which are related to country Germany.
Instead of country name can be used also country Id 2909b0d8-c6de-425d-2303-256336ada04f. Query parameter 'country' can be interchanged with query parameter 'na'.
When are defined both query parameters - 'na' and 'country', only 'na' parameter is used in api call.


To get more precisely specified result set of catalog items, can be combined query parameter for 'norm' or 'code' together with 'country' or 'na' query parameter.

e.g. 1045&country=Germany


When filter "name=S 998" is defined the API will return only catalog items which Name contains requested sub-string,
e.g. if filter is "name=S 998" will be returned all catalog items which Name contains substring "S 998".

e.g. 998

To get more precisely specified result set of catalog items, can be combined query parameter filter (by name) together with 'country' or 'code' query parameter.

e.g. 998&code=DIN 1045&country=Germany


 Get all catalog items of the catalog

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK

    "name":"GL 26h",
    "description":"(EN 14080)"
    "name":"GL 30h",
    "description":"(EN 14080)"
    "name":"GL 32c",
    "description":"(EN 14080)"
    "name":"GL 24h",
    "description":"(EN 14080)"
    "name":"GL 28h",
    "description":"(EN 14080)"
    "name":"GL 32h",
    "description":"(EN 14080)"

Delete the specified catalog

Resource: catalogs

URL catalogs/<catalog_id>



Delete the specified catalog

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088
Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK