Export IFC Service

Export IFC Service

This service is used to export existing objects, models inside a project to IFC files.

Export model to IFC file

Resource: projects/<project_id>/model/<model_id>/exportasync

URLhttps://api-stage.bimplus.net/v2/ <team_slug>/projects/<project_id>/model/<model_id>/exportasync


JSON Structure: no body is required

Optional query parameters: Used to refine the set of exported object from requested model



Default value



When query parameter "revision=<Nr>" is defined, the API will export objects requested revision <Nr>, e.g.: to export second revision use "revision=2".
When revision is missing the most recent model revision will be exported.


When query parameter "fileDelete=1" is set, the temporary IFC file created by IFC export will not be deleted, otherwise temporary file is deleted.

When query parameter "emptyPropExport=1" is set, the empty IFC element properties will be exported to ifc file.
When this parameter is missing or has different value empty IFC element properties will NOT be exported.
When query parameter "propSetExport=1" is set, the custom project property set will be exported,
otherwise default project property set (IFC4 Advanced) will be exported.


This API function creates new record to internal job list to asynchronously export required data to file in IFC format. Created record will be processed by export worker service automatically. Exported are always all elements from model.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088

Status: 202 Accepted

When the same export request for the same user, model and project is already recored in queue, 
will be returned Status : 302 Redirect

Export selected elements to IFC file

Resource: selections/<selection_id>/exportasync

URLhttps://api-stage.bimplus.net/v2/ <team_slug>/selections/<selection_id>/exportasync


JSON Structure: no body is required

Optional query parameters: Used to refine the set of exported object from requested model



Default value



When query parameter "fileDelete=1" is set, the temporary IFC file created by IFC export will not be deleted, otherwise temporary file is deleted.

When query parameter "emptyPropExport=1" is set, the empty IFC element properties will be exported to ifc file.
When this parameter is missing or has different value empty IFC element properties will NOT be exported.
When query parameter "propSetExport=1" is set, the custom project property set will be exported,
otherwise default project property set (IFC4 Advanced) will be exported.


This API function creates new record to internal job list to asynchronously export elements defined in selection to file in IFC format. Created record will be processed by export worker service automatically. Exported are always all elements defined in selection.

Authorization: BimPlus 9c1874a62c974dcfa75e0132c423a088

Status: 202 Accepted

When the same export request for the same user, model and project is already recored in queue, 
will be returned Status : 302 Redirect