When handling projects using the BIM method, you need to make sure that all project members always know exactly what to do.

The process of creating, retrieving and editing tasks reflects the cyclic BIM workflow of exchanging data, changing and detailing specialist models and updating the coordination model. This process stays the same throughout every project, accompanying all those involved.

Therefore, you and your planning partners require tools that make task management easy and comfortable. For this purpose, you can retrieve, create and edit tasks using both the Bimplus portal and the Task Board integrated in Allplan.

Attaching comments and further information to a task

When handling projects using Bimplus, you can attach comments or further information in the form of file attachments or hyperlinks to tasks. All those involved communicate and exchange information directly through the building model. As a result, any additions or changes are always up to date and available to everyone at any time.

Placing spots in the model

When editing tasks using the Bimplus web portal, you can place spots directly in the model. Sports mark particular places in the model. You can retrieve spots using BIM Viewer and Allplan.

Saving views for tasks

Each task is saved with a view of the model. As soon as you select a task, you can see the the view saved for this task.

Importing and exporting tasks in BCF format

To communicate with your planning partners, you can directly import tasks available in BCF format (BIM collaboration format) or export any task in BCF format.

Exporting the task list in Excel format

It is often difficult to keep track of tasks, in particular, with a complex task list. Therefore, you can export the complete task list of a Bimplus project in Excel format.


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