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In general the input and output data format for all calls is JSON. We should follow a wide accepted naming convention like

All communication will be using https. Http requests will be rejected.

The API calls follow the REST standard (

This document uses the domain as domain name.

This specification shall be know as version 2 of the BimPlus Cloud Service API. The version will be coded in into the url as path named v2.

Authentication is performed by OIDC server (link: OpenID). Developer tools that can help to create a client:

HTTP Verbs

Following HTTP verbs are available and used for the described operations


Can be issued against any resource to get just the HTTP header info.


Used for retrieving resources – can either be a single object of a lift od objects.


Used for creating resources, or performing custom actions.


Used for updating resources with partial JSON data. Any kind of modifying operation on an existing resource will use PATH.


Used for replacing resources or collections. PUT can be used as an alternative to PATCH


Used for deleting resources.

Rate Limiting

We limit requests to 60 per hour for unauthenticated requests. For requests using Basic Authentication or OAuth, we limit requests to 5,000 per hour. You can check the returned HTTP headers of any API request to see your current status:

X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000

X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4966