Release notes (change log) of the production server deployment


First touch experience and Maintenance release:

# Server internal Issues (performance, server build, server maintenance, monitoring etc.)
# First IFC4 Export prototype based on the Allplan Framework (solution towards "one IFC for all Allplan products")
# Minor BCF bugfixing and adoptions
# Processes status improved (model import, clash detection)
# Terms and Conditions
# Third part support (Teams managed externally etc.)
# Improved design (Icons, Layout)
# Info about browser and system requirements
# Portal plugin improvements for Allplan 2017 WIP - Task Board
# Other major and minor bugfixing (Portal page, model import, BCF etc.)





Maintenance release - bugfixes:
(more than 200 bugs fixed, below are only main) 

# Fixed google chrome problem - not possible to select object!
# Support of IFC4 import!
# Removed error message if user clicked on object which is in older revision
# Improved performance - loading speed of issues and comments
# Improved performance - faster loading of project members list and getting user info
# Improved performance - faster object loading
# Fixed logout
# Fixed add pin cursor image on IE
# Fixed PRIORITY option translations in issues
# Adjust view to visible models
# Removed wrong viewbox initialization
# Switch off browser level caching of API calls
# Center model via bounding sphere + switch of fly-to-animation because of malfunction
# Store minimal viewbox for scene without geometry
# Show divisions + topology tree despite no disciplines in project (No elements)
# Set dimension line symbols initially invisible
# Multiselection improvements
# Fixed layers visibility when different revision are present and when switching between issues
# Fixed missing tooltip in object properties
# Added gray background to right menu panel
# Fixed missing transparency when model state was restored
# Fixed object properties title # Fixed scene setup if issue is active
# Dispose pins instead of showing project pins
# Adjust viewbox only if issue properties are invisible
# Hide and reset issue grid when user navigates out from viewer
# Fixed hiding issues grid when object is selected
# Don't adjust viewport after switching off the last model
# Reset pin selection before creating new issue
# Fixed showing all project pins after topic was deleted + fixed showing pins from previous topic when currently selected topic was previously imported from BCF
# Fixed selection of single pin in an issue right panel # Refactored notification service - using much less client/server resources



  1. Search issues, documents, models & members

  2. Inline editing of model name

  3. Updated breadcrumb with link to mange project from BIM Viewer
  4. Link to connect. forum from user menu
  5. Link to help from user menu (
  6. Updated create model button and tooltip instead inline text
  7. Enabling gzip to save traffic and improve page loading performance
  8. Zooming on spots possible
  9. New cache system (automaticaly visible changes after new release)
  10. Fixed due date selection in every system locale (language format)



  1. Completely new stable issue (topics) list

  2. Show current status of model processing (reliable statuses during upload/processing)

  3. Dynamic centre of model rotation

  4. Delete single measurement

  5. Show measurement labels only on hover of dimension line

  6. Export all project issues (topics) to excel

  7. Removed notifications for issues created by me
  8. 30+ bugfixes



  1. Export single issue to BCF file

  2. Download or share exported BCF

  3. New public download page for BCF (like Dropbox)
  4. Bugfixing of property manager (attributes manager)



  1. Stability of the Web Explorer has been improved by the implementation of Application cache (It means the end user will not have any more problem with the caching as the client-code source files will be updated on every deployment)
  2. Web Explorer & the API supports BCF_Topics_Update with BCF Import.
  3. The object selection speed has been improved in the Web Explorer.
  4. The performance of the Object Navigator has been improved in the Web Explorer.
  5. Web Explorer's center pane "Transparency" functionality has been replaced with "Hide"
  6. Revision loading performance has been improved in the Web Explorer.
  7. Some critical bugs fixed (such as limitation on number of points on Polygon in a model, UX issues etc)



  1. iPad version for loading mega models has been submitted to the app store
  2. The first version of the "Object Navigator"(filter for objects) is released.
    i. Pre-defined filters which works in a combination with model layers.
    ii. Filtering and object grouping performed over the visible set of objects configured via the model topology(tree)
    iii. Easy to use color picker for displaying different group of objects filtered via the Object Navigator with different color.
  3. Revisions for storing and viewing the different state of the model
    i. Allowance to create or replace an existing version
    ii. Select and view a particular revision of the model
    iii. Download the latest revision
  4. Importing topics to Bimplus via BCF file
    i. Topics and spots are created out of the BCF file
    ii. All the features available to the topics created via web explorer are available to the imported BCF topics as well
  5. Restructured the model and layer such that it is clear for the user. Now the user can make the complete model visible or invisible.
  6. Ability to select multiple objects at the same time and work with it.
  7. No automatic first model load during the loading of the web explorer. This is to allow the user to select the model that he would like to view.



  1. The mega model loading speed of iPad Explorer has been improved by a big factor.
  2. Web Explorer now runs quite smoothly with all the features in IE 11. Also, the mega models now load quite quickly in IE 11.
  3. Model loading problem in Safari fixed.
  4. Loading of models whose import is not finished was causing troubles. This is now fixed.
  5. Ability to simultaneously import/upload multiple models in a project.
  6. Some more properties are now included during IFC import.
  7. General performance improvement during first time model loading (client irrespective)
  8. Other critical internal bug fixes.